IPL Treatment in Lehi, UT


Patients who are concerned about the appearance of sun damage or dark spots on their skin may be good candidates for intense pulsed light (IPL & DVL) therapy at Avanti Medical Center. A photofacial is an effective treatment for pigmentation and vascular lesion problems on the face and neck.  IPL/ DVL uses intense pulses of light energy to target hyperpigmentation and ignite the natural healing process and boost collagen production. As the added nutrients take effect, you should see a healthier appearance, enhanced tone, and fewer discolored spots. While a photofacial is a noninvasive treatment option, it can be very effective and can produce amazing outcomes for your complexion. Our Lehi, UT team employs advanced technology to perform IPL /DVL treatments and can provide a skin assessment to see if this solution can help you achieve your skin goals.


Patients preparing to receive IPL/ DVL therapy are asked to skip sun exposure and self-tanners for at least 2 – 4 weeks prior to the appointment. You should stop using certain medications and topical creams, like Retin-A, a few days before each procedure. We may also ask you to avoid taking blood thinners and anti-inflammatory medications a week before the treatment to decrease your risk of developing bruises. A full series of IPL/DVL treatments are recommended to produce natural-looking improvements to the appearance of your skin. Each session helps to fade sun spots and hyperpigmentation. Noticeable improvements can generally be seen after one IPL treatment, but your final results might not develop until a full series of treatments is completed.


As we age, skin imperfections, like sun spots, dark spots, freckles, and hyperpigmentation, begin to frustrate us in ways we never expected. Thankfully, there are a number of nonsurgical, laser-assisted treatments that can help. IPL is an innovative treatment offered at Avanti Medical Center to help renew your complexion and rejuvenate your tone. Reach out to our team in Lehi, UT to learn more and schedule your one-on-one consultation.

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