Dysport in Lehi, UT


Avanti Medical Center offers men and women several nonsurgical options for rejuvenating the skin. Dysport is an injectable wrinkle treatment that acts similarly to BOTOX® to soften and reduce dynamic wrinkles and lines on the face. Dynamic wrinkles are created by reiterated facial movements and expressions (like laughing, frowning, and smiling) that over several decades make the muscles of the face taut. This causes the overlying skin to have a furrowed line that can be seen, even when your face is resting. Dysport is uniquely formulated to treat the most common dynamic wrinkles: the vertical frown lines between the eyebrows. Learn more about Dysport injectable wrinkle relaxers at Avanti Medical Center to help your face look more refreshed.



Dysport injections in Lehi, UT at Avanti Medical Center offer the same great age-defying benefits as BOTOX and other wrinkle relaxers with a few advantages, including:

  • Highly effective for glabellar lines (angry “11’s” between the brows)
  • Smooths a variety of lines and wrinkles
  • Works to help delay new lines and wrinkles from forming
  • Spreads more evenly throughout the treatment area
  • Can last longer (about four months)
  • Often requires fewer injections
  • Typically works when BOTOX does not
  • Creates natural-looking results
  • More cost-effective


Dysport is ideal if you are looking for a nonsurgical option to correct mild, moderate, or severe vertical frown (glabellar) lines that appear between the eyebrows. Since dynamic wrinkles and lines are caused by repetitive use, they may become visible in younger patients and make you appear tired, mad, or sad. Dysport is a fast, effective treatment that addresses dynamic wrinkles without giving you a “frozen” face. Since the Dysport formula expands to treat a group of wrinkles, it’s also great for Crow’s feet (the fine lines in the corners of the eyes). Most patients at Avanti Medical Center see visible improvements in their appearance 1 – 3 days after their injections that usually last for as long as four months.


Dysport is ideal if you are looking for a nonsurgical procedure to correct mild, moderate, or severe vertical frown (glabellar) lines between the eyebrows. Since Dysport’s formula expands to reach a cluster of wrinkles, it’s also great for Crow’s feet, the small lines in the corners of the eyes. Injections of Dysport are administered in one of our treatment rooms following your consultation with the skilled staff at Avanti, taking around 15 – 30 minutes. The treatment area will be thoroughly cleansed and five well-placed injections will be administered across the brow, followed by a cold compress to minimize swelling and bruising. Many patients see visible improvements in their appearance a few days after their procedure that usually remain for as long as four months.


Following a Dysport treatment session, you may have light redness and swelling at and around the injection site, but this typically disappears in 1 – 3 days. You should sleep propped up for at least one night and you may want to apply cold compresses as needed. Results are usually seen in a few days as the visibility of your lines is minimized for a smoother, softer appearance. These improvements should last for about 3 – 4 months and follow-up injections can be done at Avanti Medical Center in Lehi, UT to maintain your results.

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What’s the difference between Dysport and BOTOX?

BOTOX and Dysport both reduce signs of aging but may produce different results. Dysport results generally develop faster and cover larger areas than other wrinkle relaxers like BOTOX. The team at Avanti Medical Center can review the differences during your consultation and make suggestions based on your needs.

Should I get Dysport or a dermal filler?

There are many options to choose from when it comes to anti-aging products. Wrinkle relaxers address dynamic wrinkles caused by repetitive motions like smiling, laughing, and frowning. On the other hand, dermal fillers are a way to reduce fine lines by adding more volume to the face. One may be better than the other, depending on your cosmetic goals in Lehi.

How often should I get Dysport injections?

Avanti Medical Center can help you determine what’s best for your skin. For most patients, it’s generally recommended to get repeat injections every 3 – 4 months to maintain results. We may recommend getting treatments more or less once we understand how Dysport works on your wrinkles.


If you want a nonsurgical approach to rejuvenate your appearance by correcting dynamic wrinkles, Dysport injectable wrinkle relaxer is a great option. You can talk about Dysport injections and other available procedures at your appointment with the skilled staff to get a personalized plan that fits your concerns. We invite you to contact Avanti Medical Center in Lehi, Utah to learn more and schedule a consultation.

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