Our Team
Avanti Medical Center is honored to feature a passionate group of professionals with diverse abilities who all work together to produce stunning results for our patients in Lehi, UT. Each one of our health and cosmetic experts is trained to make use of our contemporary selection of technology. To help you attain the look and effects you want, our staff learns about you on a singular level to understand your goals and concerns and form a treatment plan that actively takes care of them. Each member of our staff highly treasures the connections they have established with the patients we’ve encountered.
Kellie D. Lewis,FNP
Owner, Medical Director
Hormones, Weightloss, Injections
Brock Peppelaar, MBA
Chief Operating Officer
Bryn Stone
Lead Esthetician
Aidan McFall
Medical Assistant
Dayna Neel
Lead Hormone Coordinator
Jenny Larsen
Lead Patient Coordinator
Abbey Chamberlain
Lead Patient Coordinator