How Quickly Do You Adapt to Bioidentical Hormones?

If you’re seeking bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) in Lehi, UT, co-owner and acting medical director of Avanti Medical Center, Kellie Lewis, can help. This treatment helps patients adjust to hormonal imbalances, treating symptoms from weight gain to low libido along the way.

Keep reading to find out how long it takes to get used to bioidentical hormones and when you can expect to feel better.

What does bioidentical hormone therapy do?

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is administered as oral capsules, creams, or (most commonly) in the form of a hormone pellet inserted under the skin in the gluteal area. They slowly release hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone that our bodies lack as we age. The hormones are chemically identical to the ones the human body produces.

BHRT can be helpful for treating symptoms of hormone deficiency, such as:

  • Symptoms of menopause (such as hot flashes and night sweats)

  • Low mood or depressive symptoms

  • Poor libido and other sexual dysfunctions

  • Sleep issues

  • Mood swings

  • Hair loss

  • Loss of muscle mass

  • Weight gain

  • Skin issues

  • A lack of energy

  • Erectile dysfunction

How soon does it take to get used to bioidentical hormones?

Hormone pellet placement takes just 15 minutes, but the results take time. However, some patients do adjust to the hormones quickly. In fact, a minority of patients report that they adjust to BHRT and begin feeling better within 1 – 2 days of starting treatment. However, most patients experience symptom relief within 2 – 3 weeks. Full results can take up to six months.

Hormone pellets eventually deplete and will need to be replaced every 3 – 4 months. Patients can contact Kellie Lewis or her team if they don’t see improvement or have questions about how their treatment is going.

How long can I keep taking bioidentical hormones?

BHRT is not designed to be used permanently. That’s because extended use can come with a risk of cancer. As a result, it’s generally recommended that patients use BHRT for no longer than 5 – 7 years. However, most women use the treatment for 2 – 3 years due to the increased risk of breast cancer, heart attack, and stroke. Men on BHRT can typically use it for a few years longer.

Your treatment duration depends mainly on the severity of the patient’s symptoms, how well you respond to BHRT, and the type of side effects you may feel while on the therapy.

Who should not use BHRT?

Women who are already at risk (due to their health or genetics) for breast cancer, heart attack, and stroke should avoid BHRT.

Patients with blood clotting disorders are also not considered good candidates for BHRT.

While some studies have shown that BHRT had no adverse health outcomes on some patients, this largely depended on their age and the specific hormones involved in their treatment.

Get bioidentical hormones in Lehi, UT

Whether you’re a man or a woman experiencing the symptoms of hormone dysregulation, bioidentical hormone therapy can be a game-changer, not just for your body but for your mind and relationships. Our goal is to find the right combination of hormones to suit your unique needs while minimizing any risks to your long-term health.

If you want to learn more about how hormones can affect you, especially when you’re over 40, simply schedule a consultation with family nurse practitioner Kellie Lewis at Avanti Medical Center in Lehi, UT.

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