How Long Is It Safe to Use Bioidentical Hormones?

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) can help patients cope with hormonal imbalances caused by a wide variety of factors and treat an array of symptoms.

Co-owner and acting medical director of Avanti Medical Center Kellie Lewis is committed to helping patients near Lehi, UT learn more about BHRT and if it’s the right treatment for their unique situations.

Keep reading to discover how bioidentical hormones work and how long you can use bioidentical hormone replacement therapy to address your symptoms.

How does bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) work?

As we age, our hormones become depleted, leading to unwanted changes in weight, libido, mood, and overall wellness. BHRT is designed to replace the hormones you’re lacking, including estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone using hormones that are chemically identical to the ones produced by your body.

BHRT is most commonly used in people over the age of 40 who are experiencing symptoms of hormonal imbalance, such as:

  • Sleep issues

  • Mood swings

  • Hair loss

  • Low mood or depressive symptoms

  • Poor libido and other sexual dysfunctions

  • Loss of muscle mass

  • Weight gain

  • A lack of energy

  • Symptoms of menopause (such as hot flashes and night sweats)

  • Erectile dysfunction

BHRT can be administered via oral capsules or creams but most commonly comes in the form of a hormone pellet inserted under the skin in the gluteal area.

How long does it take for bioidentical hormones to work?

Most patients see improvement in their symptoms within 2 – 3 weeks, though full results may take up to six months. When the hormone pellets are depleted, they will need to be replaced. This usually happens every 3 – 4 months and is a simple 15-minute outpatient procedure.

Patients should continue coming to Avanti Medical Center for check-ups with Kellie Lewis to monitor their progress.

What are the benefits of BHRT?

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy at Avanti Medical Center can help suitable patients take back their lives. For many people, BHRT can:

  • Reduce symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes and mood swings

  • Improve sexual health and function, and boost libido

  • Provide more energy and stimulate the body’s metabolism

  • Lead to better fat-burning and weight loss

  • Enhance concentration and mental acuity

  • Help build back muscles

  • Balance emotional health

  • Improve the condition of skin

  • Help improve sleep

How long can I take bioidentical hormones?

BHRT is not a treatment designed to be used forever. It does come with caveats, such as an increased risk of some types of cancer if used for extended periods of time. That’s why most people use hormone replacement therapy for 5 – 7 years.

For women, the increased risk of breast cancer, heart attack, and stroke makes it wise to limit the use of BHRT to 2 – 3 years, while some men can continue treatment much longer. Decisions about your treatment length will depend on your unique symptoms, how well you respond to BHRT, and any side effects of hormone replacement.

Some studies have found that health outcomes for those taking BHRT for over a decade had no adverse health outcomes. But this depended on the patient’s age and the specific hormones used in BHRT.

However, patients with blood clotting disorders, heart or cardiovascular disease, breast cancer, or a history of stroke are not considered good candidates for BHRT.

Get bioidentical hormone replacement therapy in Lehi, UT

If you’re experiencing symptoms of hormone imbalance that interfere with your life, Avanti Medical Center in Lehi, UT is here to help.

Schedule a consultation with Kellie Lewis to find out if BHRT is right for you.

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