How Does A BOTOX® Lip Flip Differ From Lip Fillers?

It’s impossible to deny the popularity of fuller lips these days, with men and women of all ages and walks of life sporting plump pouts. If looking in the mirror leaves you feeling less than satisfied when it comes to your lips, we can help. At Avanti Medical Center in Lehi, UT, our award-winning team of medical injectors is proud to offer a variety of lip enhancement options to help you get the sexy smile you’ve been wanting. Keep reading for a closer look at two of the most in-demand lip treatments – fillers and the lip flip – and find out which one may be right for you.

How can I get fuller lips?

There are a number of topical products designed to give your lips a fuller appearance, and many men and women use makeup to create the illusion of larger lips. However, patients who are interested in a more effective, more natural-looking, and longer-lasting solution for lip enhancement may benefit most from the use of cosmetic injectables. More specifically, injectable dermal fillers and the Dysport® and XEOMIN® lip flip can help to enhance your lips and give you the full, sexy, kissable lips you’ve been wanting.

What’s the difference between lip fillers vs. a lip flip?

Lip fillers are undoubtedly one of the most popular cosmetic treatments available today. During lip enhancement with fillers, one of our expert injectors will use an injectable dermal filler – such as Versa™ – to add volume to the upper lip, the lower lip, or both. Additionally, dermal fillers can help to create a more pleasing overall mouth shape and help patients appear more youthful. The lip flip is less widely known, though it is still a popular treatment for enhancing the lips. This method involves injecting the neurotoxin BOTOX just above the upper lip and at the corners of the upper lip, causing the lip to relax, turn outward slightly, and appear fuller.

Should I get fillers or a lip flip?

During your initial consultation for lip enhancement in Lehi, UT, our knowledgeable team will discuss your concerns and goals, explain your options, and help determine whether a lip flip or lip fillers may be most appropriate for you. Some things to think about when choosing a lip flip vs. fillers include:

  • How long you want your results to last
  • Whether you want to enhance your top lip, bottom lip, or both
  • Allergies to any injectable products

One important difference to consider when choosing between lip fillers and a lip flip is that while fillers can enhance both the upper and lower lips, the lip flip only involves the top lip. Another factor to consider is the length of time that your results will last. Depending on the type of filler used, how quickly the filler is broken down by the patient’s body, and other factors, most patients can expect their lip fillers to last for about one year. The lip flip, which utilizes BOTOX or another injectable neurotoxin, will need to be repeated every 3 – 4 months to maintain its effects. With this in mind, patients hoping for long-lasting results may be better suited to lip fillers, while patients who would like to try out a more temporary look may benefit most from the lip flip.

Get luscious lips you’ll love with lip enhancement in Lehi, UT

With injectable fillers or the lip flip, all of your lip dreams can finally come true. To learn more about the exciting results that may be possible for you with nonsurgical lip enhancement, call Avanti Medical Center in Lehi, UT to schedule your private consultation with one of our expert aesthetic injectors today.

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